
Infographics are a great way to share knowledge and raise awareness. This section is designed for municipalities, advocacy groups, schools, rescues, shelters, animal lovers in Greece and abroad and anyone with an interest to educate and raise awareness around responsible dog ownership. You are welcome to download in Greek and English and use to achieve our common goal to solve the stray dog population in Greece and worldwide.

Benefits and responsibilities of owning a dog English.png

owning a dog

Benefits and responsibilities of dog owners are laid out in a simple Infographic.

Microchip Infographic 26 05 2020.png

Why microchipping

Microchipping is not only mandatory by law but beneficial to owners and society.

What should my dog eat infographic English.png

Dogs and food

In addition to vet-approved dog food, dogs can and cannot eat the following human foods.

Responsible dog ownership infograpic 13 06 2020 ENGLISH.png

Responsible dog owner

This Infographic represents the do’s and don’ts of responsible dog ownership.

animal abuse and human abuse english.png

Animal and Human Abuse

Animal Abuse is closely linked to Human Abuse. Once animals are abused, people are at risk.

Spay and Neuter offspring English.jpg.png

Puppy production

One intact female and all of her offspring will produce over 12,000 puppies in 5 years if not neutered.

Spaying and neutering benefits English.png

Spaying and Neutering

Benefits of Spaying and Neutering are laid out in this Infographic.

Responsible ownership during hot summer months English.png

Heat and ownership

Responsible dog owners should follow the above guidelines during summer and heat.

How dogs help people English.jpg

How dogs help humans

Dogs have helped humans over centuries in various ways, from medical service to protection.